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new computer installation

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  • new computer installation

    I am going to send this to the chat forum, as well, to see if anybody knows anything at all about this kind of situation.

    The car turned 100,000 miles and I took it for service, plugs replaced,etc. 70 miles later the car went into limp mode. Dealer ran a zillion tests, replaced the COPs as their diagnostic computer told them. It didn't help, the diagnostic equipment continued to tell them to replace the, they told me they would not charge me for the work done to this point and had ordered a new central computer(whatever that is) for the car which has to be made because it is not a standard, off the shelf item. It will cost about $800 when finished but that won't be for another two weeks. The dealer has had the car for a month now. Anybody exerience anything like this? I am told by non Ford people that the replacement is a good thing and will add another 100k miles to the life of the car. Do chickens have lips?

  • #2
    new computer installation

    I posted this on the technical garage forum but would like any info anybody wants to offer.

    The car turned 100,000 miles and I had it tuned at the dealer with new plugs, etc. 70 miles later it went into limp mode. After many tests, and all COPs replaced, the problem persisted. The dealer said it would not charge for work done so far and has ordered a new central computer(whatever that is) for the car and it will be made special as it is not a shelf item. Installation is a couple of weeks away as Ford is manufacturing the part.....they have had the car for a month and say the part with labor will be about $800. My Acura dealer says the computer replacement sounds like the right thing to do and the car will be good for another 100k miles. What do the rest of you think?


    • #3
      Re: new computer installation

      That is interesting. If Ford is manufacturing the part. I wonder if it is redesigned with newer components or if they have the original chips un the shelf.

      Originally posted by Welker View Post
      I posted this on the technical garage forum but would like any info anybody wants to offer.
      The car turned 100,000 miles and I had it tuned at the dealer with new plugs, etc. 70 miles later it went into limp mode. After many tests, and all COPs replaced, the problem persisted. The dealer said it would not charge for work done so far and has ordered a new central computer(whatever that is) for the car and it will be made special as it is not a shelf item. Installation is a couple of weeks away as Ford is manufacturing the part.....they have had the car for a month and say the part with labor will be about $800. My Acura dealer says the computer replacement sounds like the right thing to do and the car will be good for another 100k miles. What do the rest of you think?
      2002 TB Motor Trend COTY Blue/White/Full #24737 (One of 291)
      2021 Explorer XLT Sport 2.3L 300HP/310FP color RollingThunder
      2015 Passat SE TDI 150HP/236FP (40MpgCity47MpgHW) 720MR
      26Mpg in traffic jam. Skill required to get 40+mpg in town.


      • #4
        Re: new computer installation

        Good question. I told the dealer I thought that Ford was required by some law or other to have parts for ten years following the year of manufacture. He said that this was a rare event and that Ford did have the capability of making the computer but did not store a finished, unless I am being sold a bill of goods, I am guessing that the remanufacturing of a lot of parts would be possible and perhaps more practical than keeping a stock on hand. It also may address the problems we all think we face with a computerized old car becoming so old the parts won't be available. Maybe they always will be available, kind of like a computerized parts bin...everything possible for a price. My plan was to keep this old car running forever, daily driver, rather like an old 737. Might be possible after all. I'll let you know how this turns out.


        • #5
          Re: new computer installation

          Answer to first question:
          I experienced something like this several years ago when the '05 had a new PCM installed in Ford's attempt to cure the tranny slip. They had to remove the dash to replace the PCM, at which time they also broke the windshield and had to replace that, too.
          The replacement PCM didn't cure the slipping, and nothing Ford's done to this point seems to have helped (last dealer I took her to for COPS replacement noticed the tranny slip on their own without me telling them!).
          Answer to the second question:
          Yes, but they're only noticeable when their lipstick matches their toe nail color.


          • #6
            Re: new computer installation

            When my PCM went it died completely no start. I have read here they are in very short supply if not impossible to get off the shelf. Mine took 1 week to get, my L/M dealer gave me a loaner car to use. There was no cost to me as Ford has a part you can't get covered for 100K


            • #7
              Re: new computer installation

              Thanks for the answer. I am in the Broadcast Electronics business, and when a manufacturer no longer supports the equipment they sometimes sell all the left over parts to someone else. I would hope that this wil be the case with automotive support. So there is hope that we will get parts after the 10 year parts support required by Ford.


              Originally posted by Welker View Post
              Good question. I told the dealer I thought that Ford was required by some law or other to have parts for ten years following the year of manufacture. He said that this was a rare event and that Ford did have the capability of making the computer but did not store a finished, unless I am being sold a bill of goods, I am guessing that the remanufacturing of a lot of parts would be possible and perhaps more practical than keeping a stock on hand. It also may address the problems we all think we face with a computerized old car becoming so old the parts won't be available. Maybe they always will be available, kind of like a computerized parts bin...everything possible for a price. My plan was to keep this old car running forever, daily driver, rather like an old 737. Might be possible after all. I'll let you know how this turns out.
              2002 TB Motor Trend COTY Blue/White/Full #24737 (One of 291)
              2021 Explorer XLT Sport 2.3L 300HP/310FP color RollingThunder
              2015 Passat SE TDI 150HP/236FP (40MpgCity47MpgHW) 720MR
              26Mpg in traffic jam. Skill required to get 40+mpg in town.


              • #8
                Re: new computer installation

                Ford is still selling their extended warranty to honor the warranty they must have
                parts I would think. So for peace of mind and parts availability you got to have the
                extended warranty. From what I've read folks with the warranty never have a problem.


                • #9
                  Re: new computer installation

                  I'll check with Ford but I would be surprised if any extended warranty for a car with over 100k miles is affordable. My plan was to just sort of keep it afloat, fixing what goes down, hoping for the best and when it gets too expensive to maintain, sell it or give it away to charity or have it embalmed and put in the front yard as a planter. I put a new rag top on it last year for about $2500 and this new PCM is pushing the limit on how much I want to spend on this old bird. It is still beautiful, looks like new but I wonder how long it has left. I've had it since new and it is a daily driver so, as a car, it has done me well. As an old car, well, there you go.


                  • #10
                    Re: new computer installation

                    By seeing that, I am now a bit afraid if I should keep it or not. Maybe, it is because there are many topics about our problems with these cars. I am assuming that others manufacturers have their own problems also but they do not hav a web site like us to share the problems. I do not know. My question is:

                    Are these cars goods or not compare to others manufacturers??? I have no clue.


                    • #11
                      Re: new computer installation

            's my belief that they are as good as the others. Lately I've been spending a lot to keep my Cadillac running. Every dealership has a large service department. That's where the money is really made.


                      • #12
                        Re: new computer installation

                        Ford should have used Macs, then this problem wouldn't be.


                        • #13
                          Re: new computer installation

                          .....Thunderbird problems are/were also LS and S Type problems.....I don't think Ford cared....


                          • #14
                            Re: new computer installation

                            I also don't think Ford cared about the Thunderbird and its Lincoln/Jaguar siblings. However, it is quite clear that of the three, the Thunderbird carried some cache that has held up with time. You don't see that many of the LSs and Jags on the road(perhaps they are just not noticed..or noticeable) and the TBird is still a beautiful car and gets noticed a lot. Ford made a mistake in not making it representative of what the company could do well and just left it as an attractive reminder of their lack of mechanical prowess. I met one of the PR people in Scottsdale who was around for the launch and they were aware of the shortcomings then. However, the dealers are a different story. They love the car and the repair income. My guess is that the Thunderbird will be around for a long time. At six years and 100k miles, mine still looks as good as it did new and it still gets positive comments every time I take it out.


                            • #15
                              Re: new computer installation

                              Originally posted by BITWTB View Post
                              Ford should have used Macs, then this problem wouldn't be.
                              You got the answer This is what I have.

