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Hard Top Relay - Salt Lake City to Boston

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  • #61
    Re: Hard Top Relay - Salt Lake City to Boston

    Ok if SR-71 Kevin of Lincoln Nebraska can pick-up the top from someone at Cheyenne Wyoming then get it Lincoln, I can pick -it up and maybe meet Skozzy / Shon in Iowa maybe Iowa City or Des Moines.

    My TBIRD...Order Date: 4/7/2004 Date Built: 5/8/2004....At Dealer: 5/18/2004 Sold Date: 7/31/2004 ....Sold by Dewey Ford, Ankeny, IA....2004 merlot, merlot hardtop, sand interior, 1 of 1,332


    • #62
      Re: Hard Top Relay - Salt Lake City to Boston

      Thanks Shon, your pin is in the map.
      Just need two more spokes. One between Salt Lake and Cheyenne, Wyoming and one more near Iowa City, Iowa.
      If you go to the linked Google Maps site the blue pins will give you locations.
      If you click on a pin it will give you as much information as I have regarding
      where they can go and also a time frame if available. I hope this helps.

      Google Map of Potential Participants,70.664063&z=4
      Salt Lake City, Utah - Dizzbe / Vickie
      New England - MATBird / George, Nicky-The-Squid / Nick
      Springfield, Missouri - MObird / Karen
      Madison, Mississippi - SixPac / Charlie
      Tahlequah, Oklahoma - 2K2BIRD / Paul
      W T H is Pinole, California - EBird / Ed
      Lincoln Park, Michigan - Steve Legal / As Himself
      Seward, Nebraska - NebraskaBird / Alan
      Chicago, Illinois - Brad / As Himself
      Woodbury, Connecticut - Chuck / As Himself
      Huntingdon, Pennsylvania - Pat / 94mcd
      Long Island, New York - John / JRM
      Cleveland, Ohio - John / JAB02LHS
      While in Savannah, Georgia can take it north - Lynn / bikebird
      While in Chyenne, Wyoming can take it accross Nebraska - Kevin / SR-71
      could help get it across Indiana into Ohio using the Indiana Toll Road and the Ohio Turnpike 80/90. - Lawrence / Leroy
      From N.C. I could takeit to Concord N.H. to Thunderama 2008 - David / davidm7173
      From Wellingdon, Ohio to Belliefont Pa. June 20/21 which is about 1/2 way across Pa. on I80. - Charlie & Lou Ann / Shade-T-Blue
      Along the Dallas, Texas Route - Nancy & Chuck / LABIRD
      Anywhere north eastern pa, western New York, Central New York, Or southern Ontario - Drew / MintTbird
      I will be going to tulsa OK june 21. If i could hand it off to paul this would get it half way. Charles / doubutsu
      If it comes down this far, I could get it across Arkansas. - Gary / 02BIRD
      It cannot be in August. I can get it as far as Iowa City. - Shon / Skozzy


      • #63
        Re: Hard Top Relay - Salt Lake City to Boston

        Hey,... just heard 'bout this! Should be able to plug the Iowa gap one way or another.... maybe from Skozzy in Des Moines to the Mississippi ... or beyond if need be. Who's in Illinois that could meet on "Ole Man River"?


        • #64
          Re: Hard Top Relay - Salt Lake City to Boston

          I can go Salt Lake City to Green River or Rock Springs, WY. If we could get someone from Laramie to meet me to take it back to Cheyenne, to keep it on I80.

          Or going a southern route, I could go down to Grand Junction, CO and then maybe a couple Denver members could pick up there. One to come to Grand Junction and back to Denver and then one to go Denver to Cheyenne.

          Third Option - I could drive down to St. George, UT and if Charles could come up to meet me from Vegas - then he could get it all the way to Tulsa.


          • #65
            Re: Hard Top Relay - Salt Lake City to Boston

            Or, Nicky could wait for the top until the Las Vegas event occurs next October - then Vickie could bring it to Las Vegas and there'd be several heading east after the event is over.
            Limited Edition databases for 007 msg..#26 , PCR sticky, and Cashmere msg.#64

            Porthole Authority



            • #66
              Re: Hard Top Relay - Salt Lake City to Boston

              vickie, i would be up for your third option


              • #67
                Re: Hard Top Relay - Salt Lake City to Boston

                Jerry, thank you. I stuck your pin in the map but have not updated the list on this thread yet BECAUSE:
                I think I may have all the dots connected. I should know pretty soon so stay tuned.


                • #68
                  Re: Hard Top Relay - Salt Lake City to Boston

                  If it can come through Nebraska, then one of us Nebraska Birders ought to be able to take it into Iowa to meet up somewhere with Skoz. Don't know if that helps connect all the dots.
                  Kevin - Lincoln, NE
                  2005 Evening Black Premium, Black Hardtop, Black Accent.
                  Plus: White Hardtop, Chrome Hood Scoop Bezel, Borlas, and more.

                  Also posts as BirdWingsToo (admin account) and atest (test account)


                  • #69
                    Re: Hard Top Relay - Salt Lake City to Boston

                    Thanks Kevin.
                    Charles / doubutsu thank you also. I am going to get this top rolling and Vickie will be taking it to meet up with you.
                    As soon as I have some time today I will post the route and participants. Thank you so much, everyone, for volunteering. It looks like I am going to have quite a few IOU type favors out there. All you folks are terriffic!!


                    • #70
                      Re: Hard Top Relay - Salt Lake City to Boston

                      Here are the players: Dizzbe, doubutsu, 2K2BIRD, MObird, JBest, Leroy, JAB02LHS, 94mcd, JRM, Chuck & Nicky-The-Squid.
                      However, first off I want to sincerely thank George/MATbird, Charlie/SixPac, Ed/EBird, Steve Legal, Alan/NebraskaBird, Brad, Lynn/Bikebird, Kevin/SR-71, Charlie & Lou Ann/Shade-T-Blue, Nancy & Chuck/LABIRD, Drew/Mintbird, Gary/02BIRD and Shon/Skozzy. I certainly know and understand how valuable your time is and to volunteer for such an undertaking is truly appreciated. Please try to stay aware of this relay because obviously, things could change. The people that I have selected were either at or going to the right place at the right time and I connected the dots as strategically as possible.


                      • #71
                        Re: Hard Top Relay - Salt Lake City to Boston

                        Nickey, glad you got this relay together. It's going to be fun watching from the sidelines. Make sure everybody takes plenty of pics and posts them.


                        • #72
                          Re: Hard Top Relay - Salt Lake City to Boston

                          I have the map revised to just the participants in the relay.
                          Here is the site for the revised map:,70.664063&z=4 If you click the pin in the map it will give you whatever information that is available.
                          I ask that each person take the responsibility to communicate with the person you will be handing the top off to so your connections are firmed up. Also please keep me in the loop with your communications so I know things are in place and I will update the pins in the map as I find these things out.
                          1. Vickie/Dizzbe will be meeting Charles/doubutsu from las vegas, NV in or around St. George, Utah at a time they see fit.
                          2. The next trip, at this point, is the only one that has a firm date so the next few in line should take that into strong consideration. Charles has an event in Tulsa, Oklahoma on the 21st of June therefor he will be driving the longest leg and getting the top to Tulsa about that time and give it to Paul/2K2BIRD, Tahlequah, OK
                          3. Paul will take the top to Karen/MObird, Springfield, MO
                          4. Karen has a long trip but is willing to get it up to Jerry/JBest, Iowa City, IA. I will be asking if anyone along that stretch could relieve her of part of the trip. Right now it is about 370 miles each way and she is doing this for no other reason than to get the top to the next point.
                          5. Jerry to Lawrence/Leroy, Portage, IN
                          6. Lawrence to John/JAB02LHS, CLEVELAND, OH
                          7. John to Pat/94mcd, Huntingdon, PA
                          8. Pat to John/JRM, Long Island, NY
                          9. John to Chuck, Woodbury, CT
                          10. Chuck to me


                          • #73
                            Re: Hard Top Relay - Salt Lake City to Boston

                            Congratulations Nicky! Lookin' Goooood!

                            Native Texan
                            IRISH THRU & THRU!


                            • #74
                              Re: Hard Top Relay - Salt Lake City to Boston

                              i will be leaving vegas on the 21st, if i have no problems on the trip, i would be able to hand it over to Paul on the 23rd.


                              • #75
                                Re: Hard Top Relay - Salt Lake City to Boston

                                Originally posted by doubutsu View Post
                                i will be leaving vegas on the 21st, if i have no problems on the trip, i would be able to hand it over to Paul on the 23rd.
                                I'm sure we can work something out for the handover on the 23rd after I get off of work. We will be leaving for South Dakota on the June 25th for my uncle's 80th birthday party and won't be back until the next week so it will be the first weekend in July before we can get the top to Karen and Jim.
                                21 years, 174K miles, 48 States X 2 & DC, 9 Canadian provinces, 8 European countries, 3 Caribbean Islands, 3 Hawaiian Islands, 100+ National Park locations, 150+ T-bird events, 190+ retrobird diecasts/models, 13 TOTM pics & some very special friends...THANKS TBN !

