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Excellent work everyone! This is going to be fun to watch. Looking forward to it!
Kevin - Lincoln, NE
2005 Evening Black Premium, Black Hardtop, Black Accent.
Plus: White Hardtop, Chrome Hood Scoop Bezel, Borlas, and more. Also posts as atest (test account) and SR-71 (original non-admin account)
Well this is very exciting. Looks like we are off and running with a great start.
It is a strange and exhilarating feeling to be here and watching so many do so much for me. I hope we all can have some fun and enjoyment along the way. I will be away today with my New England T-Bird family. Tomorrow afternoon I will update the map.
Thank you everyone.
There should be a way I could meet Karen somewhere above mid Missouri and slightly eastern...and then "top-transfer" up into southern Illinois to perhaps Ray the Herd or someone that could leg it on closer to Chicago and or whatever..... Where's Route 66 when you really need it???
Hey Karen! I could meet you at the Iowa border on I-35 if that works for you. Then I could meet Jerry half way between Iowa City and Des Moines. Unless like Jerry said it would be easier for you to stay more east and go up and meet him?????
The first hand off in St. George is scheduled for May 31st. So as long as the weather holds on - we're a go.
Oh Boy, I'm excited. That's awsome Vickie, your are a loyal TBNer and a terrific person for doing all this for me. ----------------
Hey Charles, get ready buddy, my top is coming!! -------------
Hmmm, says right here on page two, a big hardtop relay is starting right here in Salt Lake end of the month and it is going to make it all the way to Boston. This is bigger than the Olympic Tourch!!!
Nicky, what hard top relay? I just heard that Barbara sold your Bird while you where away playing with us this weekend....Have you checked in the garage since you got back home.....OOPS......
Looking forward to seeing that beautiful ice blue with a white top my friend.....
Nicky, what hard top relay? I just heard that Barbara sold your Bird while you where away playing with us this weekend....Have you checked in the garage since you got back home.....OOPS......
Actually we both took it out for a spin yesterday. I didn't notice a for sale sign on it or anything.