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I can help in Nebraska or Iowa or Kanasas if needed, ...
Count me in too. The Nebraska contingent is ready to help run that top through the heartland. But I don't know.... If I get an MSG top on my black bird, I'm thinking it might look too good to take off!
Kevin - Lincoln, NE
2005 Evening Black Premium, Black Hardtop, Black Accent.
Plus: White Hardtop, Chrome Hood Scoop Bezel, Borlas, and more. Also posts as BirdWingsToo (admin account) and atest (test account)
I am in Los Angeles and wish I could help out unfortunately since I am new to the T-Bird and haven't even taken my own top off yet I am not sure that I could be trusted to handle the exchange. I wouldn't really know what to look for to inspect the top and wouldn't have a clue if it was "good" or not. Would hate for you to put your trust in a T-Bird novice. If you get really stuck let me know I can see what I can do.
SugarDaddy, If you want to see what a MSG top looks like on a Black Bird go to the picture gallery page 10 Leroy. I picked it up in Saginaw, Mich. for $400.00. I was going to get it painted Black but everyone says to leave it Grey. I call it my NM Clone.
That looks Pretty Good to Me!
Makes me think that an MSG top would probably have to Stay in Sunny Kalifornia!
Oh, just Day Dreaming, Drew!
We are about 4 hours from LA and Hollywood, so traveling there to pick it up is too far out of the way if we are headed to Las Vegas. I'm sure there are some TBN members in the LA area who can help once they see this thread.
Last edited by SugarDaddy; Jul 19, 2008, 12:56 AM.
Drew, remember we had a member buy a bird in Ill? and drive back to Cal. without the hardtop via route 66. anyways, the guy he bought the car from had a shipping comp. and shipped the hardtop for him so he could drive with out it. Maybe he could give you some help on shippers.