Dennis - look in the glove box for your serial # on the cashmere car. who knows, there might still be the paper tag on it with the bar code - take it off if that's on it. There's a brass plaque under it with the serial #.
as for your hardtop. My husband and I were planning to drive to Vegas with our hardtop on but we could leave it off and travel home with yours - at least it's a white top and it might look good on our inca. and our traveling companion car is also picking up a hardtop in New Mexico.
Originally posted by DKest3963
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Dennis - look in the glove box for your serial # on the cashmere car. who knows, there might still be the paper tag on it with the bar code - take it off if that's on it. There's a brass plaque under it with the serial #.
as for your hardtop. My husband and I were planning to drive to Vegas with our hardtop on but we could leave it off and travel home with yours - at least it's a white top and it might look good on our inca. and our traveling companion car is also picking up a hardtop in New Mexico.