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Chrome Trunk Rack For Our T Bird

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  • #31
    Re: Chrome Trunk Rack For Our T Bird

    aaron has worked hard to make this rack for us,it is s/s so it wont pit. chrome would pit.this is also a rack that fits only 3 years of a car so it will cost more than a rack made for a vw bug. he has also put a lot of hard earned $$$$ into production of this is my feeling that $397 is a deal and a 1/2. if you cant say something nice about it or him than just keep your pie hole shut....
    Last edited by taflocks; Oct 8, 2008, 03:11 PM.
    king of the one liners and prince of the messy garage.


    • #32
      Re: Chrome Trunk Rack For Our T Bird

      all you people that are complaining should of given more input to him when he sent emails around asking what you would like in a trunk rack....
      king of the one liners and prince of the messy garage.


      • #33
        Re: Chrome Trunk Rack For Our T Bird

        We'll, I am stupid sometimes... especially when I have one too many margarita's.

        Anyways, on a serious note. I too wish I could sell this custom rack for $200 because I know that we could sell a lot more of them.

        But, there is a big problem that will not go away (which I personally like anyhow). The Thunderbird Owner market is very small. And, with that comes low production numbers... and, that in turn equals higher product costs.

        We have the best Machine and Welding shop in Southern California making them for us and they charge a lot. (it's not cheap out here in San Diego) to produce these racks. I priced around and did not go with the lowest bid in town. I went on recommendation, history, equipment and performance. They have been around since 1959 and still machine products for companies such as Boeing Jets.

        We decided to go with the higher end manufacturing, for example; the footings are Computer Numerically Controlled (CNC machined) for a perfect look and fit. Also, we are ordering such a low volume (because there are only a small amount of us Tbirder's out there) that the price is high; Especially for the material, Stainless Steel.

        Manufacturing in the USA is a lot better quality than any China manufactured product... any day of the week.

        I love that there are only a few of us Tbirder's out on the road because we have a vehicle that is unique! I love this. But, unfortunately for us accessory lovers.... there are not enough of us for any more companies out there to make custom products for our Tbirds. The cost is too high for low volume manufacturing and the time to create the tooling is expensive and time consuming. (people laugh at me at the SEMA trade show when I tell them I want them to make custom products for our Tbird)

        Some people call this a "dead market" in terms of a business. I work this business because I like to be creative and tinker around with projects. Especially, Tbird projects!

        Overall, I think the rack was worth it. I have personally left the Tbird home one too many times for road trips or to pick up friends and family from the airport.

        The price is what it is because we are a unique small group of Tbirder's and it takes a lot of time and money to create new products.... but, I like it that way! We are the only ones out there with it.

        I'll take that over the "belly button" vehicle out there any day. Everyone has a belly button so they are not as special. (I got that saying just last month from a Canadian Tbirder, Anita... pretty funny way to say it, huh!)

        We'll, I hope that the people that order this new Trunk Rack love it. And if they don't, you all know we accept returns... no questions asked. And, with this promo; you get to keep the bonus items even if you return it!

        I can't post the link to the Trunk Rack Promotion webpage personally, yet. I promised my "advanced notice" list that I would let them have first dibs at the low quantity that we are producing for this promo. Because once 400 of them are gone at this promotional price with bonus items, they are gone. We will not be selling this Trunk Rack at this promotional price ever again... and, the next production run will not be available until after November 15th... maybe later.

        Thanks again everyone for all the positive feedback. It makes my job, "not a job".

        Happy Tbirding,

        Last edited by T-Bird Concepts; Oct 13, 2008, 12:13 PM.
        A good place for 2002-2005 Thunderbird accessories:


        • #34
          Re: Chrome Trunk Rack For Our T Bird

          Whoa....I never said Aaron was stupid.....far from it. jeeze...just commenting on the price. I guess I should now go out and put gas in my car while it is running and end it all.
          "Don't Tread on Me"


          • #35
            Re: Chrome Trunk Rack For Our T Bird

            Well, y'all can put me into whatever category you want - I just ordered one trunk rack for my two T-Birds, and I plan to enjoy it when I attend future TBN "Thunders". Could have used one coming home from Savannah! My friend had stuff piled in her lap all the way home!
            Drive like you mean it!!


            • #36
              Re: Chrome Trunk Rack For Our T Bird

              I am very interested in this and will probably order one. This ISN"T a bad price and the quality that comes from this supplier is ALWAYS GOOD!
              They are Here. Scotty, beam me up!
              IT'S 5 O'CLOCK SOMEWHERE
              Visit the TBN Store


              • #37
                Re: Chrome Trunk Rack For Our T Bird

                Originally posted by taflocks View Post
                all you people that are complaining should of given more input to him when he sent emails around asking what you would like in a trunk rack....

                I, for one, did give an opinion to Aaron in an Email when he was in the designing stage of this rack. No one is complaining,they are just giving an opinion on the product. You either like it , or you don't. It's that simple!
                Telling another member to "shut their pie hole" and saying you think their stupid goes a long way...........NICE JOB!
                Mike & Jana
                Med. Steel Blue/Med. Steel Blue/Partial Blue
                1 of 253
                Built 8/25/04


                • #38
                  Re: Chrome Trunk Rack For Our T Bird

                  Call me whatever you want. Most call my "Crazy Ol'Dave". I usually fits.

                  Anyway. I just BOUGHT mine.

                  Thank you Aaron for the sweetened deal with the Bonus's also.
                  DaveR (as seen on survelance TV)


                  • #39
                    Re: Chrome Trunk Rack For Our T Bird

                    Stupid is as stupid does.

                    Just ordered mine too.

                    Thanks for all you work on this, Aaron.


                    • #40
                      Re: Chrome Trunk Rack For Our T Bird

                      Interesting thread. Let's all get and discuss the trunk rack.

                      I think the rack looks great and fits the car well Aaron. Great job done. Up till now I have always been able to fit whatever needed to be in the trunk. But that is also because I never take long trips with the car. We take the Merc for that. Whenever the time occurs we can travel without kids we would definitly need extra storage for sure. Also when I would take the hard tonneau with me I would surely need extra storage, since with that hard tonneau in the trunk you can not take anything else. In that case the rack is a perfect option.
                      Last edited by FritsB; Oct 8, 2008, 02:59 PM.
                      Sometimes Birds travel far...
                      Dutch T-Bird
             No. 27947


                      • #41
                        Re: Chrome Trunk Rack For Our T Bird

                        Not bad for the $397 price. Might be good to have for long trip then remove at destination. I haven't seen a rack yet that's attractive!


                        • #42
                          Re: Chrome Trunk Rack For Our T Bird

                          they were putting down aaron saying he had a bad product. i was sticking up for aaron and his fine products......

                          Originally posted by PaBlkBrd View Post
                          I, for one, did give an opinion to Aaron in an Email when he was in the designing stage of this rack. No one is complaining,they are just giving an opinion on the product. You either like it , or you don't. It's that simple!
                          Telling another member to "shut their pie hole" and saying you think their stupid goes a long way...........NICE JOB!
                          king of the one liners and prince of the messy garage.


                          • #43
                            Re: Chrome Trunk Rack For Our T Bird

                            Aaron says in his ad that the rack has a 50 LB weight limit and that it's the ideal thing to have incase of a flat tire, becuase our full size tire and rim will not fit in the trunk. Only the front seat. My question is if the spare tire and rim weigh 30Lbs, how much do our full size tire and rim weigh and will it fit on that rack? Also how doe's the 1000 Lb strap work, lets see it. Lets see a full size tire and rim on the rack Also what keeps the rack from sliding up or down as you accellerate or brake. Leroy


                            • #44
                              Re: Chrome Trunk Rack For Our T Bird

                              Frits. Same situation here. If we need etra items, for an extended trip, it's always take the Escape. Now we'll no excuse to leave the Bird behind!!
                              DaveR (as seen on survelance TV)


                              • #45
                                Re: Chrome Trunk Rack For Our T Bird

                                that thing is fugly.

