Re: What's over the top in accessories?
With regard to accessorizing our beloved cars, there are two very basic and distinctive types of people. They are light-years apart from each other in how they think or respond on the subject of after-market accessories. There is the "keep it original person," who believes that Ford made it perfect to begin with so why mess with perfection. Besides, any appreciable departure from original ultimately reduces the resale value of the car. But there's another perspective. There is the "I want it my way person," who believes that the car should be personalized to suit the owner's individual taste and needs. For this person--resale value be damned. I count myself among the former. I believe that any change should be limited to using only original Ford parts designed specifically for the 2002-2005 Thunderbird. So, the chrome hood scoop and NM wheels are OK. The only possible exceptions would include the aftermarket logo valve stem caps and Thunderbird license plate frames, since they are slight changes that are not permanently attached to the car.
With regard to accessorizing our beloved cars, there are two very basic and distinctive types of people. They are light-years apart from each other in how they think or respond on the subject of after-market accessories. There is the "keep it original person," who believes that Ford made it perfect to begin with so why mess with perfection. Besides, any appreciable departure from original ultimately reduces the resale value of the car. But there's another perspective. There is the "I want it my way person," who believes that the car should be personalized to suit the owner's individual taste and needs. For this person--resale value be damned. I count myself among the former. I believe that any change should be limited to using only original Ford parts designed specifically for the 2002-2005 Thunderbird. So, the chrome hood scoop and NM wheels are OK. The only possible exceptions would include the aftermarket logo valve stem caps and Thunderbird license plate frames, since they are slight changes that are not permanently attached to the car.