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Back in the Nest

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  • Back in the Nest

    I have been out of the Nest chat for awhile - lots of life events have sent me in all directions lately - we had to move out of our house a few weeks ago for flood damage, then when I returned the whole family got one hell of a stomach flu which lasted almost 2 weeks... and my job forces me to travel a bit, and I am really busy at work "on a quiet day"... anyway....

    Enough of that... just a message to say that my blood pressure always settles down when I go out to the "Nest" and see how Blue Bird is doing. Very therapeutic. A person has to have an outlet, and thank goodness for the 2002-2005 Thunderbird. I NEVER tire of just looking at that gorgeous machine.

    And needless to say, the fine people on this forum add such a wonderful dimension to this priceless hobby. And I mean priceless, ask my wife, the amount of spare change I spend on bluebird is more than priceless, can't understand how North America is entering a recession???!!!

    Spring can't come sooooon enough for me. We plan to take part in at least one TBN event in '09.

  • #2
    Re: Back in the Nest

    Always good to see your friendly posts Mark, sounds like you and yours have had your share of bad luck lately. Wishing you and your family a happier 2009!


    • #3
      Re: Back in the Nest

      Mark, Saffron will be coming your way this winter. That'll give you another winter diversion.
      Limited Edition databases for 007 msg..#26 , PCR sticky, and Cashmere msg.#64

      Porthole Authority



      • #4
        Re: Back in the Nest

        Welcome back Mark. I hope all of the family the health issues are improving, daily. Just a peek into the Nest helps:)


        • #5
          Re: Back in the Nest

          Thanks for the great messages everyone...... indeed, the Nesters are a fine flock of individuals, with exquisite taste in automobiles, of course.

          Dot, I suggest Saffron get a flu shot as soon as possible.

          Cheers everyone....Mark


          • #6
            Re: Back in the Nest


            Sounds like you've made it thru some rough times, and hopefully they are over for awhile.

            Welcome back,


