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Jumping off the battery...

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  • Jumping off the battery...

    Okay, I realize I'm an idiot when it comes to cars sometimes. But, it is time to bring Grace out of storage and this year, her battery is dead. I got the trunk open, but of course, I can't put the negative thingy to the negative thing, cuz it is under something-or-another. I BELIEVE all I have to do is "ground" it by clipping it on metal...right? Now, does it make a difference if I'm not charging it with another car, but using one of those electric charger things?

    I sometimes hate being a girl who knows nada about this stuff. And I'm way too embarrassed to ask anybody else. I can jump off a normal car!
    Last edited by Meowgal; Mar 24, 2009, 11:02 AM.
    CatBrd2 is the new license tag! Meowgal was moved to the Prius.

  • #2
    Re: Jumping off the battery...

    Unfortunately I have a lot of experience with this particular topic, as I have jumped mine off several times!! Yes, you can attach the negative clip to a metal piece inside the trunk or wherever for "grounding." I have done that both using another car to jump it and also using an electric battery charger. I recently got a Battery Tender that stays hooked to the battery at all times and keeps it maintained, and I am VERY happy with it. It was relatively cheap, and it sure beats having to get to the battery, deal with the windows going up and down at random intervals, and listen to the car alarm go off every time you try to start the car!! Good luck!


    • #3
      Re: Jumping off the battery...

      Thanks..I saw the battery minder thing and believe it would be an excellent investment for me! I just do not drive her enough. She sits in the garage far too often. I actually feel sorry for her! But, my commute is 20 miles each way to work...and at 5:45 am, it is dark. No joy in that with a convertible! Plus, gas prices really were awful last year, explaining why my 05 still only has 7800 miles on her. When the sun starts coming up earlier this summer, AND it is warmer too in the mornings, I do plan on taking her commuting! I have safe, indoor parking at work, so why not? :)
      CatBrd2 is the new license tag! Meowgal was moved to the Prius.


      • #4
        Re: Jumping off the battery...

        BTW, which battery tender did you get?
        CatBrd2 is the new license tag! Meowgal was moved to the Prius.


        • #5
          Re: Jumping off the battery...

          Ha, ha. Mine is an '05 with 1998.5 miles. She is definitely not a daily driver and never will be, but I do need to drive her a little more often. When I take her for her yearly oil change (because waiting even 3,000 miles would be way too long!), the folks at the dealership always ask, "What IS it with you Thunderbird people?"

          I got the Battery Tender Plus from I have also seen them at Advance Auto and places like that. Very good investment for me, as I can now take the car out anytime I want without having to go through a half-hour recharging process first!


          • #6
            Re: Jumping off the battery...

            You're talking my language Carolyn, being mechanically challenged is not gender specific. It's just we guys don't like to admit it.
            2013 Ford Ice Storm C-Max Hybrid


            • #7
              Re: Jumping off the battery...

              Hi Carolyn,

              Just browsing through and I came across" Jumping off the Battery".

              Thought this was a new game you'd found. I've jumped off lots of things in my life but so far, never a battery. In fact last night I jumped off the porch twice and also an old typewriter case.

              I will try a battery sometime though.

              How was it for you?



              • #8
                Re: Jumping off the battery...

                Carolyn, there are detailed instructions on jump starting our birds in the owners manual. I believe the proper way is (as you suggested) connect the positive cable (red) to the positive post on the battery and the negative cable (black) to the chrome bolt that is in the center of the spare tire. This is the bolt that the trunk pad rest on.


                • #9
                  Re: Jumping off the battery...

                  We have a 2002 and 2004 T-Bird. We store the cars from November to April.
                  The 2002 has always started in the spring...the 2004 won't start if left more than a month or so.
                  We installed a battery tender on the 2004 this year and have started both cars after Christmas and at the end of February. The tender seems to be working great.

                  2002 Blue / full accent 2Y119877
                  2004 Silver / red partial 4Y101591


                  • #10
                    Re: Jumping off the battery...

                    Tony, it must be something with the newer Birds. My '05 has never started without a boost if left sitting for a month or longer, and once it had a very sluggish start after only about 2 weeks! Until I started reading some of the threads on this site, I thought I had a serious electrical drain that would cost $$$$$$$$ to find and fix. The Battery Tender is a life saver!

