I'm thinking about replacing my gril with a wire mesh one, from tbird concepts. The stock one is a bit over powering, it domaites the whole front of the car, besides that it's hard to clean.
Now here's what I need the opinions on. My bird is black and I plan to paint the wire mesh to match the car leaving the perimeter silver. I think that would give the car a more sinister look, like it might bit your a$$, instead of I'm happy to see you.
Like it reads at the top opinions wanted, I read this site daily and value all your thoughts, so don't be shy.
Now here's what I need the opinions on. My bird is black and I plan to paint the wire mesh to match the car leaving the perimeter silver. I think that would give the car a more sinister look, like it might bit your a$$, instead of I'm happy to see you.
Like it reads at the top opinions wanted, I read this site daily and value all your thoughts, so don't be shy.