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Engine runs rough - vibration at idle

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  • #16
    Re: Engine runs rough - vibration at idle

    dbsupercrew, what brand of COP are you using?
    Nothing but Motorcraft


    • #17
      Re: Engine runs rough - vibration at idle

      Went to L?M thurs. explained the problem .Service writer said a COP problem.I called fri. morning and said I'll bring it in.Service writer tells me $112.00 charge if no error shows and did the "check engine " light go on (no).Naturally the Bird is not having problem that morning.Deside to wait for engine light.Today running with the miss ,I deside to try the Techron method.Pour 20oz. into an almost full tank.In 10mi. I notice no miss,drive another 30 mi. and no miss.I'm now thinking dirty injector ,it's been raining down here in S.Fl. water in gas ? I'm just hoping this was the problem and thanks to Tom W for the post.
      Last edited by Ediron; Jun 6, 2009, 03:56 PM.


      • #18
        Re: Engine runs rough - vibration at idle

        June 5th no signs of failure.Smooth as a kitten's purr...

        June 6th. Took CARTOY on a 300 RT run to a family reunion in E TX.
        Skip in acceleration on minor inclines...some rough idle at red lights.

        The outside temps were in the low 80's, Humidity was high

        This is definitely a COP problem (again).

        Current mileage 71+ K
        Extended warranty expired Nov '08

        Native Texan
        IRISH THRU & THRU!


        • #19
          Re: Engine runs rough - vibration at idle

          So, does anyone know if a COPs error code will register in the computer if the check engine light does not come on?


          • #20
            Re: Engine runs rough - vibration at idle

            If you get a flashing engine light, and that goes away it will stay registered. If not, then no. I would insist you tell the dealer to take off the COP covers and have them check each coil within spec. The coils have to be checked on the car. Chances are, when they open the cover they will find water and/or oil in the coil wells and this will prompt replacement. If they refuse, have a 7mm socket and wrench (The mini, not the larger wrench with the mini adapter. It won't fit properly!) ready and take them off yourself at the dealer parking lot. If you find oil/water there then show them!


            • #21
              Re: Engine runs rough - vibration at idle

              Originally posted by sauernote View Post
              So, does anyone know if a COPs error code will register in the computer if the check engine light does not come on?
              The tech told me the code would not store unless the check engine light came on.

              I had the computer updates doneseveral months before the light came on and there were no COP codes at that time. CARTOY had been running rough intermittantly for at least a year and a half before I pushed her hard on the way back from Desert Thunder II. I pushed her because my extended warranty was running out.

              Native Texan
              IRISH THRU & THRU!


              • #22
                Re: Engine runs rough - vibration at idle



                • #23
                  Re: Engine runs rough - vibration at idle

                  Sulphur build up in the tank does cause problems. I use Chevron gas in my Bird and use a bottle of Techron Plus every one in a while. In fact, I use it in my Vette all the time because excess sulphur cause the gauges to go haywire. The Techron Plus corrects this by eliminating the sulphur.


                  • #24
                    Re: Engine runs rough - vibration at idle

                    Thanks Gene!
                    I passed this link along to lots of my friends and family members.

                    Native Texan
                    IRISH THRU & THRU!


                    • #25
                      Re: Engine runs rough - vibration at idle

                      I wrote in my post#17 about using Techron in the tank.Still no miss at idle and no miss under load at 40-50 mph.I'm glad I spent the $9.00 to try it saved me $112 dealer cost.I'm going to put a bottle of it in my Caddy also.With all the rain no one is going to tell me the tanks at gas stations are dry of water.Normally if I see a station with a tank truck there I go to another for a fill.


                      • #26
                        Re: Engine runs rough - vibration at idle

                        After some rough idles last week, a bottle of Chevron fuel system cleaner today, and a fast acceleration up hill, I finally got the blinking engine light. I eased off, and the car seemed to run OK. In about 5 miles, I stopped at the store for about 10 minutes. Restarted the car--no light--drove home, no problem. Do you think this is enough to register an error code in the computer? Or should I wait until it does it again?


                        • #27
                          Re: Engine runs rough - vibration at idle

                          Originally posted by sauernote View Post
                          After some rough idles last week, a bottle of Chevron fuel system cleaner today, and a fast acceleration up hill, I finally got the blinking engine light. I eased off, and the car seemed to run OK. In about 5 miles, I stopped at the store for about 10 minutes. Restarted the car--no light--drove home, no problem. Do you think this is enough to register an error code in the computer? Or should I wait until it does it again?
                          Ralph, there should be a code in your computer - a lot of the parts places, i.e. Autozone, O'rileys, etc. will read your computer and not charge you for it. (They should NOT clear the codes - the dealer must see them.)

                          BTY, the cleaning function of Techron occurs primarily after the engine is stopped. Therefore several short trips will create more effective cleaning than one long run.
                          sigpicRIDGE TOP PERCH FOR A THUNDERBIRD


                          • #28
                            Re: Engine runs rough - vibration at idle

                            I took the car to the dealer this morning. (The light was not flashing.) They are replacing all 8 COPs. This is a good thing as my $100 deductible will only be paid once. Glad I put the extra 4 years on the warranty.

                            They gave me a Hundai Sonata as a rental. Nice car. And people wonder why the US companies are going bankrupt.


                            • #29
                              Re: Engine runs rough - vibration at idle

                              Not to beat a dead horse here. BUT, Yes, you need to use the CHEVRON Techron in your cars. Not a substitute either. Use the real thing. The others contain additives you do not need nor want. And yes to the computer question also. Once your guage/lights flash, the info is stored. No flashing, no storage of a problem. Prevent it, use the Chevron Techron additive. My NM, sat for 11 months. I was sure I had a COP problem. Tech said I didn't. But of course we all know they all say that, until we actually have to limp in with the problem. The Chevron additive, DID solve my problem, by removing the sulfer buildup. And thus, no COP far.
                              DaveR (as seen on survelance TV)


                              • #30
                                Re: Engine runs rough - vibration at idle

                                As I mentioned in an earlier post, all 8 of my COPs needed replacement. I also mentioned that I was seeing a small drop of oil under the car each day. Turns out it's the transmission and they will need the car for another two days. Thank you extended warranty!!

