~~Background: I get questions from readers on my blog that probably would be better answered here so I'm going to start posting some of those questions here.
The following seems to be a fairly common type of request and we have a lot of members now who have bought used T-birds so I think they're the best qualified to answer this question.~~
The following seems to be a fairly common type of request and we have a lot of members now who have bought used T-birds so I think they're the best qualified to answer this question.~~
Hi! My wife and I are ready to purchase our first T-Bird. There seems to be a lot of cars for sale in our area (MN). Miles and prices seem to vary but a price range of $18-20 seems about right. Any advice on what to look for as to avoid buying someone else's problems? Any advice on mles? I have seen as low as 19,000 and as high as 70,000, do the miles matter? Thanks for helping us new T-Bird want-to-be.