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I probably shouldn't admit this, but for one summer (1974) I drove a 1963 Karmann Ghia convertible that I bought for $25. I would look for the cars that were parked in 2 or more spaces and get that junker of a VW as close as possible to their driver side door. More than once I had to crawl out the top and across the hood. I never did any damage, that kind of behavior is not called for...ever. But I just got annoyed at how some people parked.
It takes all kinds I guess.
Randy Mattson
There is a member here who fired an employee that did that to his wife's tbird parked away from the rest of the vehicles in the parking lot. You never know!
There is a member here who fired an employee that did that to his wife's tbird parked away from the rest of the vehicles in the parking lot. You never know!
2002 TB Motor Trend COTY Blue/White/Full #24737 (One of 291)
2021 Explorer XLT Sport 2.3L 300HP/310FP color RollingThunder
2015 Passat SE TDI 150HP/236FP (40MpgCity47MpgHW) 720MR
26Mpg in traffic jam. Skill required to get 40+mpg in town.
I got behind a bus yesterday on my way home. Ended up turning into my neighborhood one street earlier than usual. On the left is a steep hillside - homes about 15 or so feet above street level. Road is narrow, so I'm goin slow. Also have the top down. Third house in, two people are half-way up the hill working at rebuiling the retaining wall, next house are about 6 people lined up on top of the hill telling them how to do it (all had drinks in hand). As I drove by, everyone turned around, looked at me, and started cheering. It was exceptionally strange.
Was at Lowes last night in my beater car. Parked away from everyone... I mean there were 15 spots open in my row. Came out to find a F-150 right next to me.
In the right parking environment, parallel parking, I love to profile my TBird.
This sumer I took my wife to BD's Mongolian Bar-B-Q which is located in a nice outdoor mall setting. I was able to parallel park right along side the restaurant and sat in a window booth not 20 paces from it. Great fun watching folks pass by admiring it.
I call this "Profiling" my TBird. After I wash her we go on a "Victory Lap."
50th Anniversary....Triple black with black accent package upgrade.....Chrome scoop bezel and rocker panels....50th Anniversary Illinois commemorative license plates for 2005 (#45/100). Real Plate is: "A NFTE 50"
Part II - as long as we're dragging in other cars . . .
My other car is a 1964 Rambler American 440 convertible. My partner, who's a bit pretentious, has a '65 Mercedes 230SL and an '88 Mercedes 560SL. Whenever we take them to shows, people flock to the Rambler and walk by the Benzes. The Rambler also made it into Hemming Classic Cars mag. Always gives me a big grin.
I was able to parallel park right along side the restaurant and sat in a window booth not 20 paces from it. Great fun watching folks pass by admiring it.
I did that once at the winery at Biltmore House in Ashville, NC (the Bird's first of 2 overnight trips). I was sitting at an outdoor table about 25 feet away from the Bird, and a man came up beside her, pressed his hands on the top, bent over, and pressed his nose against my drivers' window to get a peek at the inside. I seriously baby this car, and I HATE when people (especially complete strangers wearing PINK PANTS) touch her without permission. The panic button on the remote sure comes in handy in such situations.
I did that once at the winery at Biltmore House in Ashville, NC (the Bird's first of 2 overnight trips). I was sitting at an outdoor table about 25 feet away from the Bird, and a man came up beside her, pressed his hands on the top, bent over, and pressed his nose against my drivers' window to get a peek at the inside. I seriously baby this car, and I HATE when people (especially complete strangers wearing PINK PANTS) touch her without permission. The panic button on the remote sure comes in handy in such situations.
Man, I'd have that panic alarm firing if anyone touched my car like that. Cuz you have to worry about his belt buckle too. Like you I am a fanatic about my car care.
I'll share a related to your, but a good story. Took my wife on an overnight to a real swanky hotel in the Chicago burbs. Pulled up in our TBird, porters loved it. I paid for the valet service because those car get better parking scenarios. The hotel had two buildings facing each other connected above by an overhead enclosed breezeway. The drive way was like a 4 lanes divided highway with two going each way, divided by a large center area that is slightly elevated and cordoned off.
So I hand over the keys, the porter just backs up and onto the raised platform right between the two buildings. I asked why he didn't take it down to the valet lot. He said, "A car that cool we like to park here so we can watch and admire it all night." I hit the lad with a $20 on-the-spot for his sheer brilliance and discernment. -
50th Anniversary....Triple black with black accent package upgrade.....Chrome scoop bezel and rocker panels....50th Anniversary Illinois commemorative license plates for 2005 (#45/100). Real Plate is: "A NFTE 50"
A few non Tbird awe factors have gone on and thought I would share this non Tbird awe, but it has another side of the coin...
Well, it started in Boston, Kathy and I were downtown thinking of something to do after going to the "Cheers" bar beside the park, and Dan Aykroyd's origional "HOUSE OF BLUES" bar across the river. So we went for a Booze cruise on a rock and roll boat in the harbour to the ocean (Boston has a large harbour, about 4 hours out and back if I remember right). When we got back and walking to where we were going, we took a side street and came to a major biker bar with well over 100 bikes, mostly Harleys out front... Kathy wanted to take a picture and stood up on a sign post and was about to take the picture when, one of the bikers grabed Kathy and said "do you have permission to take everyones bike pictures?" Well, that was enough to make me wish I wasen't there, then he said, go ahead take your picture, just kidding....
When going down a side street, and see over 100 bikes at a bar, just think (awe factor) and keep going...
It was Awe for me when I saw my first real live T-Bird! I was in Charleston. SC, down by the river when I spotted a Yellow waiting on a parking spot. As I walked by & admired the car, the driver, a nice-looking lady grinned at me & said "My husband bought it for me, he must have done something bad." I asked her how she liked the car & if she had had any problems with this first out model? She said she loved it but had one big problem. When I asked what that was she said "I have to keep wiping off the finger and nose prints" I knew then I'd have to have one. WLW
I was in the McDonalds drive-thru after church last Sunday, and a teenage girl jumps out of the car two ahead of me in line. She walks over and motions me to lower my window. She says "Can I take a picture of your car?" I said "Of course". She took three pictures from different angles, waved, and ran back to her car. FUN!
PK- 2002 Premium Blue/Full Accent/Whisper White Top VIN#16336
Built April 22, 2002
Purchased July 24, 2002
When I first got my Tbird I parked it at a fast food place. A couple of bearded hillbilly looking types had to crawl under the car to make sure it was rear wheel drive.
It did not bother me, they were carefull. They laid on their bellies getting their bib overalls dirty.
2002 TB Motor Trend COTY Blue/White/Full #24737 (One of 291)
2021 Explorer XLT Sport 2.3L 300HP/310FP color RollingThunder
2015 Passat SE TDI 150HP/236FP (40MpgCity47MpgHW) 720MR
26Mpg in traffic jam. Skill required to get 40+mpg in town.
All I know is, when I see someone that I haven't seen in a while,
the first question out of their mouth is, "YOU STILL GOT THE T-BIRD?" not how you doing or how's the wife or kids.