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Insulting comments

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  • #46
    Re: Insulting comments

    Originally posted by Sealy View Post
    People will always fall into two general classifications: the Haves and the Have Nots. ...................... Some of them are from people who don't have what they want and are generally pissed at people who do.
    I agree with this. I refer to them as "haters". Jealousy is an ugly thing. Generally on the heels of commentary from the "haters" is the comment that I 'have had it easy' -- which is the furthest thing from the truth. The reality is, when life handed me a lousy hand, I just worked with what I had and made sure I was able to get a new deck of cards from hard work and sound decisions.

    Dave -- I think Sealy said it best.

    Originally posted by Vegas Retrobird View Post
    The only "negative" comments I've heard are from my friends who say that the Retrobirds are "old" looking and are suitable for "old" people. And judging from this thread, maybe that's the demographic Ford was going for?
    Well, I'm only 30, and I love the things!
    I get that a lot, too. Especially now that I am turning 50....I get a lot of the comments about having a mid-life crisis. Funny -- when I bought my previous convertible at age 45 (Pontiac Solstice -- small two-seater), I got the comments then too. And, got those comments when I turned 39 and bought a VW Cabrio Convertible.

    I loved the T-bird when I was a young girl -- not the contemporary ones, as I felt they moved away from the original which was just incredible looking to me. When they retro birds first came out -- and I couldn't afford one, I was clearly disappointed and slightly devastated. So -- not sure if I filled the demographic/target audience either. I am certainly not well to do -- nor an empty nester.

    Whatever their intended demographic, Ford put out a slice of nostalgia - harkening back to a time when life was a bit more simple and slightly more innocent (or at least that is my own perception).....additionally, Ford put some muscle under the hood -- and it is like 'our' little secret.

    Let the haters stew in their own juices. Just smile knowing they wished they were you.


    • #47
      Re: Insulting comments

      To be blunt - "Who gives a crap what they think"
      It's not about them, it's about ME!
      I have only had my '02 since August (just 3 months) and this car has made such a difference in my life.
      When the stress of work builds up I just look out into the parking lot at my Bird and it ALL disappears.
      When I drive it I have a whole new outlook on life. When I am in my car nothing bothers me - traffic, delays, rude drivers - who cares, I'm in my T-Bird!
      If somebody has an opinion of me (good or bad) it doesn't matter to me.
      I feel on top of the world. To me, I have the best looking car on the planet, and I belong to a group of people (TBN) that are polite, considerate and share my passion.
      If someone ever says something negative about my car, I'll just smile and flip them "the bird"


      • #48
        Re: Insulting comments

        Originally posted by V8 Cat View Post
        I do know the younger generation could care less about it (kind of how I felt about inheriting my father's Mercury Marquis). They see it as an older persons car. They are into BMWs, Porches, Mercedes, as thieir dream cars.
        Not ALL the younger generation. I was in love with T-Birds from a young age (my first car was an '86 when I turned 15). I was 23 when the Retro-Birds were first introduced and basically became obsessed with them until I finally got one at age 26 (well, I guess I'm still obsessed, but at least it's not an unrequited obsession). Maybe I'm not the "target market," but I love these things just as much as my more seasoned associates!!


        • #49
          Re: Insulting comments

          when I was looking for a 2 seater I only though Corvette and came close to buying one. Now I'm happy with the Bird ,more comfort ,the top is automatic ,Corvette maybe faster but most roads there are speed limits ,and look at how many vettes are on the road.Went to a car show last weekend no retros but there were more than 25 new Vettes not IMO a rare car.I get nothing but great comments on the Merlot color and the way I see it I own it free and clear, it blends with my "old man " DTS Caddy.


          • #50
            Re: Insulting comments

            Originally posted by katpurz View Post
            Just out of curiosity, do you find you get most of these comments when either the soft or hard top is up?

            I've always thought:
            • The Retrobird with softtop up looks a bit odd and possibly a bit feminine.
            • The Retrobird with hardtop on looks rich and sophisticated but definitely not tough.
            • But the Retrobird with the top down oozes muscle car and just smokes anything else on the road...
            It was designed to look like a roadster and that's where it really stands out above all others...gotta have the top down! I'd be surprised if you got comments like that with the the top down. (and would then suggest you paint that sucker black!)

            I've notice over the years that HAILBRD"
            gets the most attention with the hardtop on!

            To non car people a rag-top is
            a rag-top--top up or top down.

            But add a top of a different color
            and porthole windows
            and everyone, car person or not,
            notices that it is something different!

            I think I get twice the looks and comments
            when I put the top on.

            “THE EDGE,
            there is no honest way to explain it
            because the only people who really know where it is
            are the ones who have gone over.”


            • #51
              Re: Insulting comments

              Living in and driving around the NYC area, spotting a Retrobird is a rarity. Average, maybe one every month or two.
              I don't think I ever went out in my MSB(which was murdered in Oct.,and will soon be replaced) and didn't get a thumbs up or compliment. Young,old doesn't matter, and never was derided for the car.
              Hey,what's not to like?


              • #52
                Re: Insulting comments

                Originally posted by vsardine View Post
                Living in and driving around the NYC area, spotting a Retrobird is a rarity. Average, maybe one every month or two.
                I don't think I ever went out in my MSB(which was murdered in Oct.,and will soon be replaced) and didn't get a thumbs up or compliment. Young,old doesn't matter, and never was derided for the car.
                Hey,what's not to like?
                It would seem as someone pointed out much earlier, that ENVY plays a big part in the equasion.

                Or as my old mom used to say and I often remind people who are envious:



                IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT DON'T LOOK!"

                Then she would mutter something in a low voice, in French (her first language) about kissing her posterier.


                Drive it like you stole it !!!


                • #53
                  Re: Insulting comments

                  Never had a bad or slanderous comment on my merlot, only thumbs up.

                  2004Merlot BlackSofttop/MerlotHadrtop
                  2002 Mustang Conv. Mineral Gray
                  1998 GMC Sierra Silver 2500 4X4
                  1986 Honda Aspencade


                  • #54
                    Re: Insulting comments

                    Originally posted by EBird View Post
                    Not that there's anything wrong with that.

                    I've heard Old man Car.....I don't Shive a Git !
                    Has anyone looked at Corvette drivers lately.


                    • #55
                      Re: Insulting comments

                      Mike, driving a T-bird makes you young mentally. Corvette drivers think it makes them young physically. So don't tell that gray headed old man in the vette that he doesn't still look like the starting quarterback for his high school team. Bless his old heart!


                      • #56
                        Re: Insulting comments

                        Originally posted by waynesworld View Post
                        Mike, driving a T-bird makes you young mentally. Corvette drivers think it makes them young physically. So don't tell that gray headed old man in the vette that he doesn't still look like the starting quarterback for his high school team. Bless his old heart!
                        The guys that make me laugh are the Harley Davidson riders. Most are old, fat, bald and have white beards draped over their beer guts. They have trouble getting their puggy lil legs over their HOG getting either on or off. Arthritis I would guess.

                        It is so much easier for we Retro owners to slide our arthritic, old, fat, bald, white bearded, beer gut bodies behind the wheel of nice little air conditioned, comfortable in all weather personal luxury cars.

                        The real bonus of being a Retro owner is no bugs in your teeth!

                        I am part of the bad a-- group of retired insurance rebels without a clause!

                        Last edited by tbird6t4; Nov 27, 2009, 07:46 AM.

                        Drive it like you stole it !!!


                        • #57
                          Re: Insulting comments

                          The TBird is feminine?? Now you tell me... .

                          I always thought the E-Type was kinda feminine (you know: beautiful, alluring, irresistable, capable) and so parked the TBird next to it in the garage hoping they'd mate... .

                          Well, not gonna happen now I suppose.

                          No Thunderkittens for me.

                          Another dream shattered.


                          Gary Jenkins/jaguar72
                          il faut (d'abord) durer


                          • #58
                            Re: Insulting comments

                            Originally posted by jaguar72 View Post
                            The TBird is feminine?? Now you tell me... .

                            I always thought the E-Type was kinda feminine (you know: beautiful, alluring, irresistable, capable) and so parked the TBird next to it in the garage hoping they'd mate... .

                            Well, not gonna happen now I suppose.

                            No Thunderkittens for me.

                            Another dream shattered.


                            Gary Jenkins/jaguar72
                            Now hold on! Don't give up yet!!!!!

                            Thunderkittens would grow up to be ThunderCats! Hmmmmm!

                            BTW the BLACK RetroBirds has been certified to be 100% male.
                            (Just ask any owner of a Black Reto)


                            Drive it like you stole it !!!


                            • #59
                              Re: Insulting comments

                              Ahhh, the old folks . . .

                              A couple of years back I bought a Mazda3 hatch. (Great car - GT with all options in screaming Velocity Red tri-coat metalic. I will always regret letting it go.) My SO looked at me and the car and said: "You do know that people your age have to get a special permit to drive a car like that."


                              • #60
                                Re: Insulting comments

                                I only got one insulting comment in the past. He loved the car, but not the color. He said "nice car but why would you want to drive a car that color?"

                                One insulting comment out of thousands of good comments, says it all...

