Looking for options to help keep a cool (dry) seat on a long drive with no A/C on. Has anyone found a good option? Some options I am aware of are:
1) Sheepskin - Never tried one. I understand they work but I am not sure I would like the bulkiness. This is the option I expect to try next.
2) Thick towel - somewhat better than bare seats for shorter drives but are not effective for an all day drive
3) Roller bead - don't look very confortable. Do they work?
4) Coil spring in a cover - been around forever. Cheap. Last time I used one, I did not think it was very confortable for a long trip
5) Forced air - small fan at your feet pumps air thru the air space in the cushion. This would seem to be a good idea but all the ones I found online had poor ratings (cheap construction, short life).
Anyone found a solution they really like? What is the name or source of product?
1) Sheepskin - Never tried one. I understand they work but I am not sure I would like the bulkiness. This is the option I expect to try next.
2) Thick towel - somewhat better than bare seats for shorter drives but are not effective for an all day drive
3) Roller bead - don't look very confortable. Do they work?
4) Coil spring in a cover - been around forever. Cheap. Last time I used one, I did not think it was very confortable for a long trip
5) Forced air - small fan at your feet pumps air thru the air space in the cushion. This would seem to be a good idea but all the ones I found online had poor ratings (cheap construction, short life).
Anyone found a solution they really like? What is the name or source of product?