Back sometime ago I bought a brass Porthole thinking I would put it in the garage or use it somewhere, sometime. Now 3 years later I decided to install it down in the cellar on a wall that will eventually have assorted Thunder Bird prints, models awards etc.
First I cut a hole, then added a TB blue wrap on a home made stand and mounted a black, 1:25th scale, model. Then it got out of hand.
I added a mirror in the back to reflect the TBird model. Then, decided to add small lights, in back, around the outside of the mirror to give some background lighting.
Of course the flash camera hides some of that. Although, in the 2nd shot, the backlighting makes it appear as though the headlights and tail lights are illuminated. If you can see it that well.
Obviously I'm not very busy. Anyway, I just thought I would post a few shots below in case your interested:
First I cut a hole, then added a TB blue wrap on a home made stand and mounted a black, 1:25th scale, model. Then it got out of hand.
I added a mirror in the back to reflect the TBird model. Then, decided to add small lights, in back, around the outside of the mirror to give some background lighting.
Of course the flash camera hides some of that. Although, in the 2nd shot, the backlighting makes it appear as though the headlights and tail lights are illuminated. If you can see it that well.
Obviously I'm not very busy. Anyway, I just thought I would post a few shots below in case your interested: