Re: Car Shows, Judging & Tie Breakers
I might add that the Yellow Rose Classic that I showed in this past weekend, gave both Johnnycog's and mine "Class winner" trophies and they mentioned that we had tied when passing out the trophies, yet I ended up with best late Model Thunderbird. I don't know the difference or what made mine end up getting that award . Besides the 7 retros judged, there were a couple of others, including an '87 that has won best late model T'bird several times in the past.
Since we're also in CTCI, their judging is on a point system. If the car makes the grade, it gets the award for that grade. When a car has points very close to the next category up, expert judges will be called in to see if it merits a change in a point or not. They acknowledge that each judge sees things differently.
I don't mind so much if I don't get a trophy or don't get the top spot but it sure felt nice to get that last trophy, especially since it featured a Thunderbird graphic (a 57) and would go well in my collection of Thunderbird memorabilia.
I might add that the Yellow Rose Classic that I showed in this past weekend, gave both Johnnycog's and mine "Class winner" trophies and they mentioned that we had tied when passing out the trophies, yet I ended up with best late Model Thunderbird. I don't know the difference or what made mine end up getting that award . Besides the 7 retros judged, there were a couple of others, including an '87 that has won best late model T'bird several times in the past.
Since we're also in CTCI, their judging is on a point system. If the car makes the grade, it gets the award for that grade. When a car has points very close to the next category up, expert judges will be called in to see if it merits a change in a point or not. They acknowledge that each judge sees things differently.
I don't mind so much if I don't get a trophy or don't get the top spot but it sure felt nice to get that last trophy, especially since it featured a Thunderbird graphic (a 57) and would go well in my collection of Thunderbird memorabilia.