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Chrome: too much or not enough

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  • #16
    Re: Chrome: too much or not enough

    Why didn't they just chrome the whole thing?
    PK- 2002 Premium Blue/Full Accent/Whisper White Top VIN#16336
    Built April 22, 2002
    Purchased July 24, 2002


    • #17
      Re: Chrome: too much or not enough

      Originally posted by pjustason View Post
      Finally, here they are!

      Spent the last 2 weeks near Clearwater, saw a couple of retro's, black & red, usual colours. Then when at John's Pass, I spotted this beauty. For me, a little over the top, any other likes or dislikes?
      Originally posted by RustyFrye View Post
      Whew! I was just about to vote there must be too much chrome because it blinded me and I couldn't see a thing...
      What about now Doug? Good use of a MSG? Any plans for yours?
      02 Nieman Marcus-SS htp-f/sil. #165 - 21 states-DC
      02 TB-TB htp-p/blue acc.-Nancy Gioia-28 states-DC
      03 007-Coral htp-f/white acc. #468 7 states
      03 WW-WW htp-p/red 8 states
      04 VMG-VMG htp-p/white - 20 states-DC
      04 Merlot- Merlot htp-sand- B. Grassnig-48 states-DC
      04 TR-TR htp-blk 20 states-DC
      04 LIB-LIB htp-p/white 16 states-DC
      05 Cashmere htp-stone #408 21 states-DC
      05 Dusk Rose-DR htp-cashmere seats - 48&DC
      05 IG-IG htp-p/white #82
      - 48&DC


      • #18
        Re: Chrome: too much or not enough

        Oh man, I wish Mr. Nardozzi were still with us, he would be at the store buying that stuff now.

        I'm going with "borderline" - I do like the LEDs in the lower part of the front facia.


        • #19
          Re: Chrome: too much or not enough

          Originally posted by Chuck View Post
          ...I do like the LEDs in the lower part of the front facia.
          I've had that set of lights sitting on my workbench for a couple of years now. Haven't figured out how to install them in that same location he did.

          No comment on the car itself.
          - Ted
          Titusville, Florida
          We're all Bozos on this bus.


          • #20
            Re: Chrome: too much or not enough



            • #21
              Re: Chrome: too much or not enough

              It's been said, "it's your car, you can do what you want to it." This is a reason why that statement is not true. Cheapens this car and the Thunderbird name


              • #22
                Re: Chrome: too much or not enough

                There's a 'car' under all that glue??


                • #23
                  Re: Chrome: too much or not enough

                  While this "expression" is not what i would do to a Tbird, I think it's a good thing that owners do "stuff" to these cars. I think the old adage "all publicity is good publicity" (or something like that).
                  It promotes "interest" in the car and that's a good thing. It might also inspire other applications and modifications and while some prefer to have the car as "stock" as possible, it's going to get more and more common that modifications will be made, just because "stock" replacement parts are harder and harder to come by.

                  It also creates business for "aftermarket" suppliers, which gives us more and more options.........and I think that's a good thing.

                  It's is going to be rare that anyone is going to do "everything" (as this one seems to be reaching for) but I have done some small things that others have "pioneered" and shared on this site.

                  Not everyone is going to want a Hard Tonneau, skirts, CC Kit, Chrome Scoop Bezel, woodgrain dash, etc. But I'm better off as an owner that they are available.


                  • #24
                    Re: Chrome: too much or not enough

                    Originally posted by 4LOWBIRDS+7 View Post
                    What about now Doug? Good use of a MSG? Any plans for yours?
                    Ron,Resent that slam on MSG.
                    C'mon Rusty stick up for us.

                    Seriously I sure don't like it! My MSG now resembles Sr. Gar's with "v8" and "thunderbird" scripts being removed. Love the cleaner look. Modifying by deleting.

                    Black Beauty might be getting some more updates Greg?
                    Last edited by wcoates; May 11, 2017, 11:12 AM.
                    Bill Coates-Canfield, Ohio
                    2003 -THE GREY GHOST- MSG, Saddle with Saddle dash kit, door panels, boot and visors


                    • #25
                      Re: Chrome: too much or not enough


                      Took my 2003 for NJ MV inspection yesterday. Guy doing the testing was very impressed with the black/saddle combo.

                      PS, I passed!
                      2010 Explorer Limited Edition, tri color white, camel interior
                      2003 TBird black/saddle
                      1964 Ford Galaxie 500XL conv't turq/black
                      2004 Lincoln LS 8 Sport light tundra metallic/medium stone


                      • #26
                        Re: Chrome: too much or not enough

                        Wow, that is definitely overkill. At least the one person who did it liked it, and what does he own? A metal shop, with lots of time on his or her hands.
                        Honor the sacrifices our predecessors paid for our country.


                        • #27
                          Re: Chrome: too much or not enough


                          Are those rear fender skirts available somewhere? Now those don't look half bad....
                          Raccoon Lodge Administrator


                          • #28
                            Re: Chrome: too much or not enough



                            • #29
                              Re: Chrome: too much or not enough

                              When I spoke to the owner he was very proud of the car, said I'd never see another one like it. True enough. He just had the seats redone, red leather with the inserts done in the grey body color, and the Thunderbird logo stitched into the headrests. They were very impressive and nicely done, $1600.00 for the redo.


                              • #30
                                Re: Chrome: too much or not enough

                                Originally posted by FUN X 3 View Post
                                Why didn't they just chrome the whole thing?
                                Agreed. Get the whole thing chrome wrapped.

