Order Date: 9/15/2000
Date Built: 7/25/2001
At Dealer: 10/11/2001
Sold Date: 10/15/2001
Sold By: Unassigned Production (company car), Detroit, MI
Description: 2002 Special Edition, Evening Black, Satin Silver hardtop, full interior silver accent, 21 Spoke Chrome wheels
Invoice: N/A (Dealer cost, not sticker price)
One Of: 202 (the first two prototype NM show cars were destroyed by the factory)
Order Date: 9/15/2000
Date Built: 7/25/2001
At Dealer: 10/11/2001
Sold Date: 10/15/2001
Sold By: Unassigned Production (company car), Detroit, MI
Description: 2002 Special Edition, Evening Black, Satin Silver hardtop, full interior silver accent, 21 Spoke Chrome wheels
Invoice: N/A (Dealer cost, not sticker price)
One Of: 202 (the first two prototype NM show cars were destroyed by the factory)