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Random useless facts about 2002-2005 Thunderbirds

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  • #31
    Re: Random useless facts about 2002-2005 Thunderbirds

    Originally posted by Quickdraw View Post
    Even more useless info:
    The first three 2005 Bronze Tbirds built have paint code BR - all bronze Tbirds built after that have paint code T2. The first three Bronzes made were 1FAHP60AX5Y100003, 1FAHP60A55Y100006, and 1FAHP60A75Y100007.

    Also the first two 2005 Steel Blue's carried paint code SB where the rest of the year paint code was SP. The first two Steel Blues were: 1FAHP60A15Y100004 & 1FAHP60A35Y100005.
    Wonder how they would look side by side or even if one had the colour chips to compare .


    • #32
      Re: Random useless facts about 2002-2005 Thunderbirds

      Originally posted by snowbird View Post
      Wonder how they would look side by side or even if one had the colour chips to compare .
      They had to have been the same color, just different codes. My guess is that Wixom had not received the correct color codes when they built these first units and created what they thought would be the natural color codes. Only later to find out those codes were assigned to different colors. The Ford paint code book lists BR as "Sunburst Gold Water" and SB as "Green Mica"
      Raccoon Lodge Administrator


      • #33
        Re: Random useless facts about 2002-2005 Thunderbirds

        The Inca Gold's has a paint code, BI, no paint companies I could find have a formula. Had to use the scanner.
        02 Nieman Marcus-SS htp-f/sil. #165 - 21 states-DC
        02 TB-TB htp-p/blue acc.-Nancy Gioia-28 states-DC
        03 007-Coral htp-f/white acc. #468 7 states
        03 WW-WW htp-p/red 8 states
        04 VMG-VMG htp-p/white - 20 states-DC
        04 Merlot- Merlot htp-sand- B. Grassnig-48 states-DC
        04 TR-TR htp-blk 20 states-DC
        04 LIB-LIB htp-p/white 16 states-DC
        05 Cashmere htp-stone #408 21 states-DC
        05 Dusk Rose-DR htp-cashmere seats - 48&DC
        05 IG-IG htp-p/white #82
        - 48&DC


        • #34
          Re: Random useless facts about 2002-2005 Thunderbirds

          Originally posted by Quickdraw;556399. The Ford paint code book lists BR as "Sunburst [B
          Gold Water[/B]" and SB as "Green Mica"
          Reminder: No politics on TBN.


          • #35
            Re: Random useless facts about 2002-2005 Thunderbirds

            Originally posted by Will View Post
            Reminder: No politics on TBN.
            I think Goldwater could have beaten Green Mica...
            Raccoon Lodge Administrator


            • #36
              Re: Random useless facts about 2002-2005 Thunderbirds

              Harry, Don't know all the facts on this but in 2002 Ford change paint suppliers. Don't remember which way it went but they used DuPont for a while and then switched to PPG or the other way around. Back then you could see a little difference when the different blues and yellows were set side by side.

              We also saw some in 02 that had clear coat on the car in the engine bay and some didn't have it.
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              • #37
                Re: Random useless facts about 2002-2005 Thunderbirds

                There were also some slight variations in the actual paint lots, regardless of the supplier, so different 'batches' could vary a little even if they had the same paint code.


                • #38
                  Re: Random useless facts about 2002-2005 Thunderbirds

                  Originally posted by LA PHIL View Post
                  There were also some slight variations in the actual paint lots, regardless of the supplier, so different 'batches' could vary a little even if they had the same paint code.
                  Painted parts coming to the assembly plants have to match the painted bodies. Batches better not vary or someone is getting their parts, paint, etc. rejected and paying big money to solve the problem fast.
                  02 Nieman Marcus-SS htp-f/sil. #165 - 21 states-DC
                  02 TB-TB htp-p/blue acc.-Nancy Gioia-28 states-DC
                  03 007-Coral htp-f/white acc. #468 7 states
                  03 WW-WW htp-p/red 8 states
                  04 VMG-VMG htp-p/white - 20 states-DC
                  04 Merlot- Merlot htp-sand- B. Grassnig-48 states-DC
                  04 TR-TR htp-blk 20 states-DC
                  04 LIB-LIB htp-p/white 16 states-DC
                  05 Cashmere htp-stone #408 21 states-DC
                  05 Dusk Rose-DR htp-cashmere seats - 48&DC
                  05 IG-IG htp-p/white #82
                  - 48&DC


                  • #39
                    Re: Random useless facts about 2002-2005 Thunderbirds

                    That's true Ron.

                    Seems however, that even though parts and paints are required to match, even the auto companies allow for a slight variance. I found this on the website:

                    "So why do the car manufacturers have so many variances? Most car manufacturers have three major paint suppliers. The manufacturer decides on a standard color for production and submits a painted sample to their suppliers. The paint manufacturer then produces a formula for the “standard sample” and is allowed a tolerance of plus or minus 5% when they deliver the paint.

                    This is the first problem because the plant in the east coast may be getting a 5% shade greener on a blue metallic standard and the plant in the west coast may be getting a 5% shade violet on the same blue metallic standard. When compared side by side, they look like a completely different color. This is the reason the paint manufacturers usually have the standard formula followed by two alternates. If the alternates are not available, the painter in the body shop usually mixes the standard formula and tints it accordingly."

                    So while complete cars and car parts 'match' when they leave the factory, a body shop that orders paint using an OEM paint code might get a slightly different color based on the 5% allowable variation. Most paint and body shops these days use computerized color matching to avoid this problem.


                    • #40
                      Re: Random useless facts about 2002-2005 Thunderbirds

                      Originally posted by Gobird View Post
                      Harry, Don't know all the facts on this but in 2002 Ford change paint suppliers. Don't remember which way it went but they used DuPont for a while and then switched to PPG or the other way around. Back then you could see a little difference when the different blues and yellows were set side by side.

                      We also saw some in 02 that had clear coat on the car in the engine bay and some didn't have it.
                      Spence, I know another member replaced their front facia on a TB Blue. I remember him mentioning that the person that did the job had a heck of a time matching the paint. Not sure how they eventually found out that there was a difference in the TB Blue colors but for sure there is.


                      • #41
                        Re: Random useless facts about 2002-2005 Thunderbirds

                        I can remember seeing two side by side and noticing a difference back in the day.

                        As a side note , for Harry, when did production for the 2003's begin ? I have a picture of an 03 taken at Watkins Glenn on the 27th of July, 2002 and the Ford rep made mention that it had just come of the line and straight down to the show. One of the first he said. Sort of useless info and should have taken the VIN from it.

                        The Sport Roadster was also there in their display so that could be dated.
                        Attached Files


                        • #42
                          Re: Random useless facts about 2002-2005 Thunderbirds

                          Originally posted by snowbird View Post
                          I can remember seeing two side by side and noticing a difference back in the day.

                          As a side note , for Harry, when did production for the 2003's begin ? I have a picture of an 03 taken at Watkins Glenn on the 27th of July, 2002 and the Ford rep made mention that it had just come of the line and straight down to the show. One of the first he said. Sort of useless info and should have taken the VIN from it.

                          The Sport Roadster was also there in their display so that could be dated.
                          There were 45 of the 2003 units built before July 27... the most recent ones before the 27th were five made on 6/18/2002. However the most recent torch red, full red interior before 7/27/2002 was built on 6/12/2002. There were three units built on 6/12/02 that were just like the picture you took; red, full red interior, SST & no parking lamps. Of course none of those were officially built with 21 spoke chrome wheels or the chrome hoop scoop. The build sheet calls for 7 spoke chrome wheels but as the car went down the line they could have switched the 7 spoke for 21 spoke wheels. Or it could have been built per the build sheet and the wheels & hood scoop added later for the show and that's what he meant when he said it "had just come off the line".

                          "Sort of useless info and should have taken the VIN from it."
                          This whole thread is useless info. The three built 6/12/02 like your photo were either VIN 3y100027, 3y100028, or 3y100029.
                          Raccoon Lodge Administrator


                          • #43
                            Re: Random useless facts about 2002-2005 Thunderbirds

                            Thanks Harry. The two pictures above are not the same car. The Sport Roadster was the original red showcar / Lincoln LS . So the 2003 that he brought to the Watkins car show must be one of the VIN's from 6/12/2002. Here is one more picture of same.
                            Attached Files


                            • #44
                              Re: Random useless facts about 2002-2005 Thunderbirds

                              Originally posted by snowbird View Post
                              Thanks Harry. The two pictures above are not the same car. The Sport Roadster was the original red showcar / Lincoln LS . So the 2003 that he brought to the Watkins car show must be one of the VIN's from 6/12/2002. Here is one more picture of same.

                              No, it wasn't one from the 12th, none of those red ones had parking lamps... it must have been 1FAHP60A13Y100050 built 6/18/02.. a red with standard black interior. Do you have any photos of the interior of that one? If it was black accent instead of standard black interior it had to have been 1FAHP60A43Y100026 built on 5/9/02 - not that it matters a whit either way.
                              Raccoon Lodge Administrator


                              • #45
                                Re: Random useless facts about 2002-2005 Thunderbirds

                                Harry, the first picture in post 41 and the picture in post 43 are the same car and taken on the 27th of July, 2002. But, as you say, it does not matter a whit , just random useless facts (or not ).

